Friday, February 3, 2012

Djinn and Genies

Free willed Magical elemental humanoids. Air/Fire/Water or Earth. They are not True Elementals but do have an Elemental Form. Unlike Elementals, they access the powers of their element through mana. As such they are always mages or priests. They can NOT grants wishes. Djinn are Air Genies, Dao are Earth Genies, Efreet are Fire Genies and Marids are Water Genies.
Some have wings and those that do can fly. Fliers can not use Bows in Air to Ground combat.

They are not true elementals. They cannot grant wishes. They cannot be banished as they are mortal. They can have legs or the smokey bottom. They are not "disney" genies.

Djinn Genie Djinni


  1. Thank you Eecho, It took me forever to get here. The login was a bit odd, but I finally got here ;) I will add anything I get.
    Take care

  2. Greetings Lord Virtanen. I was talking to Lexie and we came up with two questions i'd appreciate you clearing up for us

    #1 What stats would a dragon revenant/Dragon archetype Death Knight? just regular Revenant? or keep dragon? or something new?

    #2 A dragon can "change" form (to 1 biped form) with dragon magic, Can they still use this magic and change form after becoming undead/Revenant? My thought was i will still be able to change to my human form after, and although my dragon/ "true" form will look undead, my human form is an a form of dragon magic and will look unchanged.

    Thank you,
    Ahnu Resident

    [22:20] Malikith Virtanen: (Saved Fri Apr 27 21:38:09 2012) A dragon rev would wear rev just like anyone else to make up for the new level of power gained. shapeshifting..yes in This case it would still be allowed but because the dragon magic has darkened shall we say the new form reflects that

    Question to Malikith: In our conversation you mentioned that ALL AMs use ARCANE AND ARE ARCANE in battle. However (being that i have played necromancer )would an AM like Ondine use NECROMANCY hud as AM in battle or the ARCANE HUD>either is fine with me but need to have specifics for site.:)
    Malikith: as ondine is a specialist she still uses her specialty in battle

  4. [6/28/2012 9:49:00 PM] (lexie.lukas): Question please: Can a fallen angel / devil be a shaman? The ROE states they cnanto be druids but shaman is not mentioned .. thank you.

    [11:17:05 AM] Lord Malikith Virtanen: yes i can see that as a possibility...ancestor worship.
