Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Magister Weapons

Per Malikith:  Magisters are able to use any two weapons and these weapons follow them regardless of what archtype they fill in as.  They can be of any type.


Spellswords are the western equivalent of Samurais without the Eastern type lore.  They are still a warrior/mage hybrid.  Both of these are allowed to use bows.

Friday, December 21, 2012


For now until a new hud can be made that reflects 4 levels:

Level 1 Cavaliers use no hud.
Level 2 Cavaliers use the Level 1 hud.
Level 3 Cavaliers use the Level 2 hud.
Level 4 (Archtype) uses the Level 3 hud.


Malikith see no need for limits on paragons in a realm unless it gets bad...then the realm leaders should make their own limits...on the battlefield..one per type per side.

Sluagh and Pixies

Pixies  use the screamer setting on the Unity bows.  They can be any arch-type, though if they do their health goes to 115 and can no longer shoot air to ground.  They can remain small.

Sluagh no longer have to wear phantom stats, but rather would put fae/pixie/sprite/gaian as their race and could put sluagh in their title on meter.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Paragon Training

Paragons are now able to be trained in their home sim if their sim leaders prefer it.


At this time there are three types of racial regents to answer certain racial questions:
Dragon Regent -Malakyte Thorne
Elemental Regent - Llyra Constantine
Shapeshifter Regent - Eecho Rotaru