Sunday, March 18, 2012


This was okayed by the magisters and then final approval came from Lord Malikith:

The village wise-woman creating herbal mixtures to cure her neighbors of the latest plague to curse their homes, the crone who disguises herself as a beautiful young woman to entice men to their doom, the traveling warlock who trades in potions and talismans which may or may not be truly magical. These are all examples of witches; men and women for whom witchcraft is an art and a profession.

The way of the witch and warlock is the way of a very natural magic.   Using items such as sticks, stones, roots, herbs and bones they create magic.  Differing from the traditional mage or wizard, a witch or warlock may shun the library of spells for a personal or family book of magic called a grimoire or book of shadows. Though their powers are comparable their approaches and world-views are different.

The Witch or Warlock may not use elaborate rituals to do their workings, but rather favors  sympathetic magic using the idea of like affects like.  So things like poppets, herbs, plants, potions, gazing crystals can be use to enter trances, speak with the spirits, or to curse or bless.

A Witch or Warlock may cast a circle but in a very natural and non-elaborate way, as their approach to magic is the most direct route.   Enchantments, curses, summonings, would all be common to the way of the witch or warlock.

Witch and Warlock Training:

Potions (Healing, Harming, Beauty, Faux Death, Love)
Divination (Cards, Entrails, Crystal Ball, Scrying)
Natural Items in Magic: Sticks, Stones, Roots, and Bones
The Grimoire/Book of Shadows
The Spirit World
Omens and Signs
Moon, Earth, and Seasonal Magic

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